A Parent’s Guide to Support College-Going Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Quinton Lampkin
6 min readOct 21, 2020

Why it’s okay for parents to admit they need hope and help with this year’s college application process.

COVID-19 has robbed us of our loved ones, jobs, hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Our nation’s teenagers have had their hearts broken while you, as parents, do your best to hold back your worry that your child’s college-going dreams might be ruined. Suppose you have anxiety about your teen’s future. How are you finding encouragement during the pain, uncertainty, and fear amid coronavirus? I’ve been reminding myself that, eventually, and sometimes against my will, that I must find the strength to struggle forward by embracing new paths to my dreams despite the losses.

This year’s college-going students are hurting and frustrated. They have studied, sacrificed, and stayed the course, only to be met with a pandemic that has made this year’s college application process a million times more confusing.

With all the COVID-craziness, should your teenager pause on their college dreams until there is more clarity on what will happen beyond the pandemic? Would it make financial sense to take on student loans only for your youngster to enroll in online classes? How concern should you be about your child moving away for college next fall, where there might be a chance…



Quinton Lampkin

Founder of Scholar Navigator, LLC — an education consultancy focused on getting students ‘to and through’ college.