Winning College Scholarships

Quinton Lampkin
7 min readOct 28, 2020

It’s time to get your 2020 scholarship search journey started immediately.

The clock is ticking. Have you kicked off your scholarship search? If so, how has your search been so far?! Not good? Don’t worry. I wrote a few tips to help you get started.

I self-published my first book two months ago — You Can Afford College: Getting Money For You College Dreams. I wrote the book because so many students from limited-income and middle-class backgrounds do the hard work of getting into college but face many challenges covering the attending cost.

Dr. LaNysha Adams, a Gates Scholar-Alum and educator, said in a recent interview on the You Can Afford College podcast that many students have to get into debt to get out of poverty. This is very heartbreaking, especially when every year, more than $185 billion in financial aid is available to help students pay for college.

That’s a lot of money that should be used to change the lives of millions of limited-income and middle-class students like you.

Keep reading to learn a few tips from my book: You Can Afford College.

Yes, You Can Win College Scholarships!

Often when students hear the word’ scholarship,’ they panic. They think those are only for the ‘perfect’ students — those with the best grades or the best SAT/ACT scores. Well, guess what: there are no ‘perfect’ students!

Let’s be clear: good grades and SAT/ACT scores are important. I want all of you to work hard to maintain top grades and standardized scores to receive merit-based scholarships.

But I also want you to keep in mind that there are other scholarships for students who:

· are leaders in their families, their community, or their schools;

· have great artistic talents;

· will be the first in their families to go to college and are interested in becoming scientists, or who want to own a restaurant

You name it. There is most likely a scholarship for you!

To apply, you may have to submit a high school transcript, one to three letters of recommendation, and a personal statement or essay.



Quinton Lampkin

Founder of Scholar Navigator, LLC — an education consultancy focused on getting students ‘to and through’ college.